Friday, August 1, 2008

Donning a Butcher's hat!!!!!

I guess the "Tanhai" post made a big impact afterall-I had quite a few people calling in their concerns about my well-being and to know if that post was a subtle innuendo reflecting my state of mind. But hey am I complaining about the calls or am I secretly grinning that well wasnt such a post meant to garner attention and I cant be that juvenile and oblivious to the fact that "If I post something to this effect- it would go unnoticed........Somewhere subconsciously I needed that attention. But well I have now made a conscious decision to not reflect any overtly personal emotions on the blog directly or metaphorically.
For long I've been wanting to play a critic and review (read rip apart) a movie (I am a hugeeeeee movie buff). But never did I think that my maiden attempt at this would be reviewing the music of a movie and even more not being able to do what I set out to- rip apart. The music in question is of the movie "Bachnaa ae Haseenon" composed by Vishal and Shekhar. Since "tanhai" left a pall of gloom I tried to get off my conservative approach and made an attempt to give an ear to the latest offing of Bollywood- and at the end of this miniature musical trip- am I ready to don my critic's (read butcher's) hat???????No infact I am rather pleasantly pleased..
Coming straight to the review (Lady, you waste 20 lines before you could even type the word review and you call this coming straight to the point?????) Well guess that's my love for words (verbose nahhhhh...passion yesssssssss). The track starts off with the song "Ahista Ahista" sung by lucky Ali and shreya ghosal. Her mellifluous voice is ably and perhaps to an extent overshadowed by the uniqueness of his voice. For people looking for some "hatke stuff" this is your answer. The lyrics are fresh too. The overlapping of the male and female voices has been done beautifully- although this is not the first of its kind..has been done two decades ago by the musical maestero Illayaraja (A true tamilian I am.......)
Now the big one- the title track, the name of which has been borrowed from the movie "Hum kissise Kum nahin" and not just the title of the movie, the song itself is a remix of the original. The very mention of the song etches the memory of the faces of three people very vividly- Rishi kapoor, Kishore Kumar and R.D. Burman. With millions of remixies being churned out (despite being vehemantly opposed and criticized by self proclaimed musical legends, I would certainly agree with them at times, but opposing the entire idea of remixes is not justified I think (Debatable yes.. I think I just found the topic for my next blog...) O.K this one has been sung by Sumit Kumar- the son who has been shouldered with the responsibility of carrying forward the legacy of his father. does he do justice???????? Yes and No. Yes- coz the remix version has some interesting pieces of original club style music that takes away attention from his not so amazing voice. in addition to this again a novelty here-some original parts of the song in kishore Kumar's voice have been interspersed well that are a true delight to the ears even after 30 years from the date of composition (Well but wasnt R.D. Burman known to be ahead of his time anyways). And No- coz descendant of kishore Kumar dynasty is quite a tricky place to be in due to inevitable comparisons. Overall the song is a winner and can definitely pep up your sombre mood any time and set your feet (left feet too) grooving.
Now the bets one and the big one- Khuda Jaane- almost on the lines of Suraj Hua Madham... Has a very haunting feel to it. the credit of this song should in entirety go to K.K (my favorite and perhaps the most underrated singer). He oozes life, emotions, depth and a whole new dimension and meaning to the song. the song starts off a with a lovely humming(almost extinct these days) that sets the perfect tone to a five minute journey and at the end of it transports you to the land of mountains, rivers and beautiful landscapes (power of imagination or am I a diehard romantic? perhaps the latter). Lovely composition.... But everything cant go right in a world where Murphy's law holds good (If something can go wrong it will go wrong) and remixies have the greatest potential to go wrong and this one surely does. Remix version of this song with the fast signature remix beats is completely devoid of the original soul and gives a feeling that the singers are in a tearing hurry to hop on to the next studio for another recording. Truly a massacre.
Well the first three songs left me wanting for more (of them) and I ended up listening to them repeatedly impeding my effort to go on to the next blog (So yes now if reading this was a bigger massacre then you have Vishal Shekhar to blame, and if reading up to this point was fun but you can take no more You have Vishal Shekhar to thank to having restricted me to the first three songs....)
A final word- If I came across an interesting composition I have always recommended it to a friend and have forced the person to literally listen to the song at gun point) Unfortunately I couldnt do the recommendation bit this time. Hope my blog does the needful on my behalf...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well its been sumtime since i have listened to new hindi songs....baaki ka tho pata nahi...will listen to these 3 songs for sure :)....and you dont have to hold me at gun point :D....